Turkish Actress Ebru Şahin of Lavanta Konağı Dizi Shows her Charitable Side After Earthquake Disaster

Turkish Actress Ebru Şahin of Lavanta Konağı Dizi Shows her Charitable Side After Earthquake Disaster

Famous Turkish actress Ebru Şahin, known for her role in the Lavanta Konağı TV series, has shown her charitable side after being stunned by the earthquake disaster that struck KahramanmaraşTurkey, on February 6th. 

The disaster affected almost 14 million people and left thousands dead and injured, with many forced to stay on the streets in the middle of winter.

Ebru Şahin, along with other actors in the industry, such as Burcu ÖzberkSinem Ünsal, and Merve Dizdar, came together to pack materials for earthquake victims. 

In addition, Ebru Şahin and her husband, Cedi Osman, also donated 1 million TL to help meet the needs of those affected by the disaster.

Ebru Şahin makes monetary donations, and she also puts in an outstanding effort to package the aid materials and deliver them to the earthquake area. 

Despite experiencing excitement over a new TV series, the disaster has put her in a different mood.

Ebru Şahin had previously stated in an interview that they had created a good environment on her new TV series set and that they were a good team. 

However, how plans for the new series will proceed is still being decided. 

Regardless, Ebru Şahin’s mind and heart are full of charity, and she has shown herself to be a benevolent figure in these difficult times.

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