Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin Meet to Discuss Ukraine Crisis and Strengthen Bilateral Ties

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin Meet to Discuss Ukraine Crisis and Strengthen Bilateral Ties

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin discussed the Ukraine crisis, strengthened China-Russia relations, and promoted global stability during a significant meeting in Beijing.

Beijing, China – President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Zhongnanhai in Beijing on Thursday. 

The two leaders enjoyed sightseeing and drinking tea while sharing their thoughts on major international issues, focusing on the Ukraine crisis.

President Xi Jinping emphasized that the fundamental solution to the Ukraine crisis lies in establishing a new type of balanced, effective, and sustainable security architecture. 

He highlighted China’s readiness to advance a political settlement of the protracted Russia-Ukraine conflict positively.

Xi reiterated China’s consistent position and efforts to promote the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

He stressed that addressing any major issue requires tackling the symptoms and root causes and planning for the present and the long term. 

Xi proposed an international peace conference recognized by Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation and fair discussion of all options. 

He expressed China’s commitment to continuing its constructive role in this regard.

President Putin briefed Xi on Russia’s stance on the Ukraine crisis and expressed appreciation for China’s objective and balanced position. 

He welcomed China’s involvement in the political settlement process and reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to resolving the issue through political negotiations, maintaining close communication with China.

The meeting concluded with both presidents pledging to work with countries of the Global South to safeguard international fairness and justice, promote world peace, and promote common development. 

This pledge comes amid an evolving global landscape characterized by volatility and turmoil.

President Putin concluded his two-day state visit to China on Friday with a visit to Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province. 

In Harbin, he attended the opening of the 8th China-Russia Expo and met with the Harbin Institute of Technology students and faculty. 

Historically significant for its Russian expatriate community, Harbin retains architectural ties to this heritage, such as the Saint Sophia Cathedral.

In a congratulatory letter to the Expo, Xi Jinping highlighted the solid progress of China-Russia relations, emphasizing the tangible achievements in their cooperation. 

He noted that this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia and expressed optimism for the future, urging both countries to seize the opportunities presented by the Expo for in-depth exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Addressing the Expo, Putin described Harbin as an important scientific and educational center, symbolizing the close ties between Russia and China. 

He underscored the great potential for cooperation between Russia’s Far East and Northeast China, offering benefits to Chinese investors and assuring reliable energy supplies to the Chinese economy.

Vice-President Han Zheng attended the Expo and met with Putin following the opening ceremony. 

Together, they visited and interacted with exhibitors, strengthening the ties between the two nations.

This meeting and subsequent events underscore the deepening ties between China and Russia. 

As both nations navigate complex international issues, they work towards mutual benefits and global stability.

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