Morocco Hosts For Palestine Conference to Garner African Support for UN Recognition

Morocco Hosts “For Palestine” Conference to Garner African Support for UN Recognition

Morocco hosts the “For Palestine” conference to rally African support for UN recognition. The event aims to mobilize African nations to endorse Palestine’s recognition at the United Nations.


Casablanca, Morocco, is gearing up to host the highly anticipated “For Palestine” conference. 

The event, scheduled to take place in the month of Zishik, will see the participation of 11 African countries, including institutions, trade unions, parliamentarians, and academics. 

The conference’s primary objective is to mobilize support among African nations for the recognition of Palestine within the United Nations.

Promoting Recognition of Palestine on the African Continent

The conference aims to bolster efforts to enhance the recognition of Palestine at the African level within the United Nations. 

By bringing together representatives from various African countries, the organizers intend to create a platform where African nations can voice their support for Palestine and its bid for international recognition.

Morocco’s Strategic Role

Due to its favorable standing among African leaders and King Mohammed VI’s esteemed religious status as the Emir of the Faithful, Morocco holds a prominent position on the African continent. 

This strategic role is reflected in Morocco’s active support for the Palestinian cause, demonstrated through its engagement with the African Union, international organizations, and influential countries. 

The country plays a vital role in fostering cooperation through forums such as the Arab-African Cooperation Forum.

Preparations and Objectives

The Moroccan ambassador to Palestine, Abd al-Rahim Meziane, held discussions with Ahmed Al-Tamimi, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, to review the ongoing preparations for the conference. 

The main goal is to encourage participants to exert pressure on their respective governments, urging them to recognize the State of Palestine within the United Nations, particularly among African countries that still need to do so.

Moroccan Solidarity with the Palestinian Cause

Emphasizing Morocco’s unwavering commitment, Meziane highlighted that the Kingdom stands firmly with the Palestinian cause, considering it a matter of equal importance alongside the issue of the Moroccan Sahara. 

The Palestinian cause enjoys unanimous support from both official and popular Moroccan forces, signifying the national consensus surrounding it.

Morocco’s Influence on the African Continent

The Palestinian ambassador to Morocco, Al-Jamal Al-Shobaki, expressed gratitude for Morocco’s constant and steadfast support of the Palestinian cause. 

He noted that Morocco, with its influence on the African continent, has played a crucial role in strengthening African countries’ position on recognizing Palestine as a full member of the United Nations.


Morocco’s “For Palestine” conference represents a significant step in mobilizing African support for recognizing Palestine at the United Nations. 

By bringing together representatives from various sectors and countries, the conference seeks to create a unified voice in advocating for the rights and recognition of Palestine. 

Morocco’s strategic role and unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause further amplify the significance of this conference in shaping the future of Palestine’s international recognition.

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