Tips for Wrapping Up a Conversation or Discussion: Summarize the key points: Briefly recap the main points discussed during the conversation, ensuring that both you and your partner understand what was covered. Acknowledge differing opinions: If you and your partner have different perspectives or opinions, acknowledge them and agree to revisit the topic in the future if necessary. This shows respect for your partner's viewpoint and encourages open communication. Express appreciation: Thank your partner for their time, thoughts, and contributions to the conversation. This helps foster a positive atmosphere and shows that you value their input. Establish next steps or action items: If applicable, discuss any next steps or action items that have arisen from the conversation. Make sure both you and your partner are on the same page regarding any follow-up tasks or decisions. Clarify any misunderstandings: Before concluding the conversation, ensure that any misunderstandings or miscommunications have been addressed. This helps prevent lingering confusion or frustration. Check in with your partner's feelings: Ask your partner how they feel about the conversation and if they have any lingering concerns or questions. This shows that you care about their feelings and want to ensure they feel heard and understood. Offer support or encouragement: If appropriate, offer support or encouragement to your partner regarding the topic discussed. This could include expressing confidence in their abilities or reassuring them about any concerns they may have. End on a positive note: Try to conclude the conversation on a positive note, even if the discussion was challenging or emotional. This could involve sharing a positive memory or expressing hope for the future. Schedule a follow-up: If necessary, schedule a time to follow up on the conversation or discuss the topic further. This ensures that any unresolved issues are addressed and demonstrates your commitment to maintaining open communication. Türkiye Ministry of Health Recruitment Open

Türkiye Ministry of Health Recruitment Open

Türkiye: The Ministry of Health has announced recruiting 42,500 personnel, including 31,600 contracted health personnel and 10,900 permanent workers. 

The recruitment process has started, and candidates can make their preferences through the website of ÖSYM between March 28 and April 3, following the rules specified in the KPSS-2023/5 preference guide.

The preference guide includes contracted health personnel positions that can be preferred at secondary education, associate degree, and undergraduate levels, which have been published on the website of ÖSYM

Preference lists sent by mail or hand-delivered to ÖSYM or the Ministry of Health will not be valid.

Of the 31,600 staff appointed, 6,069 will be nurses, 1,530 midwives, and 22,507 health technicians/health technicians. 

The distribution of the contracted positions to be appointed by title, branch, number, and education level is specified in the article.

Minister Koca stated that the announcement of 31,600 contracted health personnel to be appointed by the Ministry of Health with the score of the Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS) was published in the Official Gazette

He also announced that 10,900 permanent workers would also be recruited. 

The number of new employments reaches 42,500 in total.

This recruitment process will be helpful for those interested in working in the health sector and is a good opportunity for those who want to work in the health field.

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